Quality First
When sourcing products from China there is a wide range of different quality standards available. We have built our business and reputation on only supplying the best quality products available in China.
We do this by building relationships with trusted, high quality suppliers, guaranteeing them strong continued business.
Quality Explained
This allows us to carry out regular quality checks to ensure our customers are getting the highest quality products at all times. All products supplied by PMD are fully guaranteed and warrantied against product manufacturing defects.
We gauge the performance and quality of these products, as well as taking on board feedback before introducing any new products to PMD’s product listings.
PMD’s mission is to supply our customers with quality products they can count on, and we’re one of the few companies operating in China that guarantees its products.
- All PMD products and suppliers are completely warranted against faulty materials & workmanship
- We are one of the few companies operating in China that guarantees its product
- Our customers will be 100% satisfied with their purchases and dealings with PMD
- Some products will have some time-restricted warrantees, however PMD’s mission is to supply our customers with quality products that they have total confidence in selling